Preparing the Home for a Family Member with Alzheimer’s this Holiday Season
Are several easy and reliable ways to make your home environment safer and more comfortable for any holiday houseguest who’s been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
Are several easy and reliable ways to make your home environment safer and more comfortable for any holiday houseguest who’s been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
Preparing meals for a loved one with dementia can be a daily challenge. But, two things remain constant - - their need for nutrients and your need to make sure that need is met.
f you’re wondering if the behaviors you’re seeing from your loved one are typical of seniors with dementia, The Family Caregiver Alliance has found these behaviors to be commonly found as a guide to dementia
How do you know as a family caregiver that you need help providing the care your loved one needs? Here are five signs we’ve found to be reliable indicators that memory care is needed.
How can you tell if it's dementia? Look out for these 8 early warning signs of dementia for the health and safety of your loved one.